Saturday, 22 January 2011

Day 8 - A photo that makes me sad

Well, this is tricky since I usually take photos of happy, momentous occasions. Or food. None of these makes me sad. But I do have the one.

This is the main building of my old school, Leicester Grammar. I studied here from the tender age of eleven til the ripe old age of 17. Unfortunately, it was decided that this old traditional school, based in the city centre of Leicester, could no longer meet our needs, and we were all uprooted to the middle of knowhere in the countryside known as Great Glen. Big mistake. Sure we didn't have our own playing fields in the city, but there were so many more advantages. Veing able to go to the City Library during breaks, the cafe that was right next to the school that we would sneak out to at lunch, where the "cooler" teachers did the same, the shops, the easy access by bus, train and car, but most of all, it was ours. It was a real school, lots of nooks and crannies for the little kids to hide in, the Computer Room in the attic, up what felt like millions of flights of stairs.

And what did they move us to? A prison. We may have gone in the countryside, but none of the old manor style came with us. All the locals complained, the students have complained, the parents complained - heck, my mum was the one who suggested the similarity to the prisons from her experience as a Criminal Lawyer - the only one who seems to like it is the Headmaster, and that's because it's his "pet project." The place has none of the soul of the old school, and I was glad I only had to endure it for my last year of Sixth Form.

I was very sad to say goodbye to my old school. And if I ever take my (future, not yet existing) kids back to where I went to school, I know which one I'll be showing them. That place is filled with good memories, and bad, and it's where I made some of the best friends I'll ever have. So while this photo holds happy memories for me, it will always sadden me to see it, and know that I'll never study there again.

happy reminiscings over your own school past,


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