Friday, 29 April 2011

Top Class Train Food, and Travelling in Style

I love travelling, and travelling by train is my ultimate favourite mode of transportation. Don't get me started on how much I love Eurostar. So, I am grateful that I go to university in a city where I live roughly 10 minutes' walk from the train station, which can take me home to a train station that is right behind the bus stop that takes me straight to my home village. Good transport links are so convenient.

This blog post is about food, of course. Specifically train food. Now, people complain all the time about plane food. But no-one ever talks about train food. I guess there are two reasons for this. 1) Most train journeys aren't long enough to justify spending money on snacks; 2) They hide the good stuff in first class. And it's hard for Economy travellers to complain about decent tea and pastries when they don't realise they're serving steak for the big spenders.

So this Easter, I used my inner-thrifty and found some cheap first class return tickets home for the holiday. Nothing to report on the journey home, but when I came back to my Uni town, it was a midday train and as soon as I arrived and left the train station, I would have to go to work and not eat again til 5. So I was starving, and worrying about passing out at work. I decided to splurge.

There was the complimentary tea and chocolate biscuit. But I wanted more - this time, in the form of Coronation chicken in a wholemeal baguette. Sounds simple. Simply delicious, is what it was. Creamy and sweet, with that little tang of curry. The bread was filling and soft, but not too doughy. Along with a side of crisps (They'd run out of salad, not that I minded) and a complimentary bottle of water, I was set. At £3.95 I didn't feel completely ripped off, especially since people always try to push off those flimsy, floppy, wet catastrophes as sandwhiches in shops for about the same. I really felt like a juice cheeseburger, which they had, but as I was on my way to work, in a new outfit I might add, I wasn't sure how well that would work.

All in all, I'd eat there again. Next time I hope I can catch an early enough train to get complimentary breakfast. Below I show you a picture of my new outfit, since I forgot to photography my lunch before I demolished it. Sometimes I think my job is just an excuse to dress up. But I do enjoy business wear, however much I push the business/casual boundary.

The dress is from Mango and the bag is from Urban Outfitters. I love the dress so much because of the dfferent fabric textures. We've got this smooth silky cotton bodice with an almost burlap feel skirt. Not scratchy but very textured. And I was pleasantly surprised by how well the bag matched considering I'd bought it a couple of weeks before the dress. It was nice to leave my arms bare with the weather getting so nice, so I definitely took advantage. But I still wore tights - Thank You Fenwick for having such lovely tights.

Happy travels and Happy Easter,
